Let's get Started

 Hey and welcome back to listen it's Asiah, so listen it's Asiah. Today I used the editing software CapCut this is one of the editing software's I am think of using, also having this one called video maker on my phone. I have used video maker before but I was suggest CapCut so I decide to test it out. First I tested it out on this video that I made previously I had use video maker for this so I decide to test the same thing on both apps. I needed to speed up the video and see what sounds were available on the apps. While one of the apps I was able to speed my video up to 100x speed the other I was only able to speed up to 32x speed. Next I view over the ability to add sound to the video and the variety I would have to chose from. One of the first platform only gave me the ability to chose form very specific odd songs that I have never heard of. The other offered these song but also with the choice of song that I had heard of. Along with this the better platform so far had given me the opportunity to sync it to my tiktok account which would give me access to more music with tiktok being a big streaming platform. Next I tried to add another video on to the previous one which for one was much simpler than the other as for one started to glitch but this will not be a deciding factor on which one I use because I believe that the video in its self was all ready corrupted. Another ability the one app gave that was better that the other would be the ability to slow the original sound or new sound to my own accord. As for the other platform if the sound was speed up to fast it would cancel out removing the sound all together and you would not be able to return it. The better platform talked about here would be CapCut the abilities I have tested it for all seem to be better the video maker. Although there was a glitch in adding another video to prevent this in case of my actually draft I will be saving  and watching every video individual before merging them.

After further consideration I have decide the use CapCut for majority of my editing process as it is seems to be more beneficial for my commercial. But I will still be using video maker for the fact that I am more comfortable with the platform since I have been using it for longer but I will only be using it for smaller parts of the commercial and then running it through CapCut. And to cut out the CapCut watermark because at the end of each video edited in CapCut at the end it pops up sayin to was made there and in video maker it does not do that so I can cut it off there and not have to worry about a water mark. Into the next blog I will tell you about the start of how my commercial is put together but here's a piece for now. After consideration there will be a opening video of me preforming when I was younger this will be contributing to how I am now. Then I will cut to me preforming at my age now showing more growth. But that's enough sneak peaks for now, until next time bye.


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