Maybe third times a charm?

 Hi and welcome to listen its Asiah so, listen its Asiah. Last blog I stated that I was going to address change the I have made and things that I am still not quite sure on yet. One main focus I wanna talk about is my music choice. As I have talked about many times before I am very friend orientated so the song that I chose would have to represent this. In one of my earlier blog I talked about choosing between two song 3005 by Childish Gambino and another song called Friend by THE CARTERS. The problem with 3005 would be the fact that after listen to the song a couple time it gives the hype aspect that I am going for but I feel as though it is more romantic relationship vibes. There is also the fact that the song has minor inappropriate  language and probably would not sound correct with the clean version at the moment. The song Friends I quite literally about the bond in friendship and has a rift in the song where I would also be able to add just pictures by myself but it is more so toward middle of the song so I will have to cut up the sound. I talked about how I was going to use CapCut to edit and how I was able to to connect it to my tiktok being able to pull the sound that I want to use from there them already having it precut but I still have to do some tweaking to it. That was my initially though process but I start to run into problem as this is my first time use CapCut. My first problem was that when searching for my song on CapCut I could not find it. SO then I processed to go directly to tiktok to see if I could find it there and I was able to but then I could not figure out how to get the sound form there to CapCut so then I started to mess around with the sound buttons on CapCut. Eventually I found a button the said recorded so after deciding that I may not be able to insert he sound how I wanted to I decided to record it. After recording the song with two devices I was realizing that this might not work or at least not in the way I wanted it to. When I recorded the sound piece I wanted it sounded good but to low but I realize I could fix that by simply turning up the music when recording it. A problem that I find with recording it like this is that it won't sound natural like as though it is apart of the video. So unless I can figure out a way to seem more natural I fear that I will have to change to song and not be able to go with any of the songs that I want to go with. Choosing a song from their original sounds won't be the worse thing but the would mean that there would be a lack of personality in my song choice. So in my next post I will be discussing my finale choice in this process and the choice of what happens to my song and the order of my clips. So until next don't forget to listen, it's Asiah.


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