Reflection on my about me commercial

Hello, and welcome back to listen. It's Asiah, so listen, it's Asiah. I learned so much during this process. Making this commercial allowed me to learn how to edit on a more advanced stage. I also got to look through old memories while searching for videos and photos to use.

In the editing process, I learned how to add sounds on CapCut that were not always there because, at the beginning, I thought I was going to have to record the sound on a different device and play the song from there. That process took me two days to figure out, and lots of frustration was felt. But then I learned that I could move the song from a TikTok video, so I just had to download the video and extract the sound from that video. I also learned about how to rearrange the photos and videos in a certain order. Though it may seem straightforward, I was having problems with glitches. Also, when trying to move things to overlap, it would make my device vibrate, telling me that I could not do that with certain things.

Also learned about myself by how deeply I feel for my friends and how much they are apart of my life, and that I don't have that many pictures or videos of just myself. I did not realize that I had really centered the project around my friend, but that's just who I am—a friend-oriented person. This affected every part of my commercial, as my song was about how much better my friends are than others.

To make my next video better, I think I will start earlier in the process of doing it. Also establish the idea of how to access my music, even though it will be easier to use now that I have figured it out this time. I also think I will be able to incorporate more transitions as I figure out how to add one this time around. For everything I do next, I want to add an end credit scene because I like the factor of having a voiceover and putting my own voice in it, adding my own style to my product, and making sure it is uniquely mine.

Overall, I learned that CapCut is a good editing software, but it is hard to use, and I did have to look up how to use parts of it on Google. But the commercial in itself was simple to make; it was more so the process of making it my own that really stumped me, as I did not know what exactly to do. I had the platforms at my disposal and instructions, but I just could not put them together at first. But every thing clicks. And I realized how I planned and how I saw myself, and I was able to put it together. It was a very interesting process but I am glad it happened. I can't wait to tell  you guys about the next projects.


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