How it going?

 Hi and welcome back to listen its Asiah, so listen its Asiah. Okay so the last blog I said that I had planned to have started filming, I lied. No okay so I didn't lie as thing have gotten in the way and I was unable to counter them or control the extraneous variables. As one of the friends that i had planned on filming with had a last minute trip to New Jersey. So I clearly could film with her. Then I realized that I have rehearsals all week after school do I wasn't going able to film then which is completely my fault. But I have not let this hold me back and have planned to film after school on Monday because it s half day st school do I'll be able go somewhere with my friends to film. With that being said this means my mother will only have to pick me up and not have to drop off or get other people. I was planning on filming on the Tuesday after that to as there is not school that day but I will be going to school for testing. That will only last about a hour an a half and my friend that went New Jersey will be back by then. She live behide the school at least 10 minutes away walking so plan on walking and getting to shots. The one where I'm on one of my friend's bed was based off of her room so that shot. Also the one where we are dancing in bedroom is also based on her room. With these planned I will also more than likely be able to film on Saturday or Sunday this upcoming weekend to get the beach shots. I am also hopeful that I will get a park shot with this in mind I am think of changing the park shot on how its presented on my story board. Or I might just add another and take or maybe short on then so they are both able to fit. One shot the I know for sure I'll be able to get is that shot and the shot where I'm in the street in the morning because my mother will be awake at time so I will have someone to help me because this shot will need to be taken early as I to try an get a little of the morning sunrise. Which is why these shots need to be taken early also because it will be in the middle of the street so Iif i do it early there is less likely chance that I get by a car. So this time I mean it I will have started my filming process and should be half way on it an will update on the change in how things worked out. Until next time its Asiah, so don't forget to listen it Asiah.


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