Planning for my Music Video

 Hello and welcome back to listening to its Asiah, so listen to its Asiah.

Props: A microphone headset or just a microphone. A shiny hat preferably silver.

Location: I plan on using multiple locations as followed-

  • Beach- solo shot with myself sing on the beach sunrise and sunset.
  • Grocery Store- me and my friends dancing in the aisles.
  • The street- me and friends dancing and laughing in street probably in the crosswalk.
  • Park- me running around the playground looks though I am screaming the song.
  • In the Car- I would have differnt shots in the car with just myself an then one with me and my friends.

Schedule: I will probably on mainly a Sunday and Saturday as my mother is going to drive me to these locations. Also on the fact that I am in a group by myself and she is my only ride for this. I also plan on working with my friend that I want to put in the video so I have to know when they are a free. Then also work out transportation for them and probably getting my mom to picking them up together so we can go to different locations at the same time and not have to waste time. This will also help with the car shot that I want film.

Backup Plan: If all else fails an my mother refuses to drive me, I feel as thought I live is a pretty neighborhood and could film there. It alos contains a bridge that I could film on and would look gorgeous with the sunset. I also live across a park so I could film there. I am also within walking distance from grocery store. If I fail to get a microphone headset I will just do without one as it not a need.

Costume: I want the costumimg to be very bold for the main singer I was thinking a sparkly dress or skirt maybe sliver but this would differ from location to location. Also I am still undecided as changing the costumes for different takes.But my friends would remain in nice normal clothes as the focus to the singer so you know she's singing.


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