Production: Started Filming

Hello and welcome back to Listen its Asiah, so Listen its Asiah. My first day of filming was a little rock as my day began with testing at school so I had to figure out a way to get to my filming location. This shot that I talked about being in my friend's room with us on the bed.  This is the first one of the lines "I wanna dance with somebody". I had ended up walking to my friend's house after testing which was a ten-minute walk. I should have filmed then but I can make up that shot sometime this week. But when filming this shot with my friend we were placed in a two-person shot. I never got around to locating a tripod so we had to prop the phone up on her gaming chair. when this failed to work we used the chair and a water bottle to place the phone on. This had put the phone had a low angle which was not ideal as I wanted a high angle but I had to make due with my resources as we did not have another person to hold the phone. With this, it took us a couple of times to get the shot through.

When filming instead of filming in clips I just shot in one big clip that plan to edit and cut up. The video in itself is about 2 minutes and I think I will be able to get two clips from that to put into the music video which is good. The clips I will take will more than likely be me and my friend laughing because we couldn't stop laughing and focus but we did eventually. And I was also able to get the clip from my storyboard that I mentioned previously. This is a little different from my initial plan because I wanted to get at least two of the clips that were on my storyboard only being able to get one was not ideal. I wanted to get the clip of me and my friend dancing in her room. But I was not able to get it as I wanted to have multiple people dancing and my other friend had to go before we were able to get the shot. But I will get it soon or at least one of us dancing but as stated in my storyboard there will be multiple. As this is posted I will be filming in attempt to get most if not all of my shots so that I begin the process of editing. I am very excited to film the dancing shots. But until next time and don't forget to Listen its Asiah.


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