Production: Still filming, that's crazy!

Hello and welcome back to Listen It's Asiah, so Listen its Asiah. In the last blog, I stated that I was going to be filming that day, well I was unable to have my break was not as long as I thought it was going to be. With that in mind I made it my priority to film the following day and this I was able to do. I started filming after school with the help of my mother. I was able to get two different shots I wanted the one with me pushing my hands down. An another with me just singing the song and dancing. I have come to realize that it is going to be a lot harder than expected to get the shot that I had initially wanted with me placed in the middle of the street as there are cars. So instead of getting the shot with me and putting my hands down in the street, we had settled outside a store. The reason I chose this spot was because of the lightning as the sun was setting so I knew it would be perfect for the line "and the sun brings to fade". I filmed at around 6 o'clock so I knew the light was going to hit if I could just find the right place. A store I found had the sunlight point right at them peaking between multiple structures. The more and more I listen to the song it makes me realize more and more about the lyrics making me want to change certain things about my storyboard.

When filming the clip of me singing "I wanna dance with somebody" it is a be-in-the-moment thing. Because even though I was filming I still had to be mindful of those around me. Also put true meaning to the words dance like no one is watching as I was in just a parking lot in front of a store so I was very mindful that people could see me. Unlike my last filming, I have these shots in separate videos so there will be less editing trying to take a lot from one video and just take a little from each video. During the filming, I remained in the same place just not in the same position as I wanted everything to be flash clips together. This also plays a hand in costuming as in these clips not every but most it is shown that I am not wearing the same outfit in each. But they all have a little pop to them as I kind of wanted to seem out of place which I why I chose such unique places to film. In the next blog, I will tell you all about how the rest of the filming once complete went. Until then don't forget to Listen it's Asiah.


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