Critical Reflection ( How do I think I did?)
Hello and welcome back to Listen it's Asiah so, "Listen it's Asiah". In my music video I found it best to stick to the genre the music video was in. Which is a R&B/Pop song that was Whitney Huston's style. As it was a happy and upbeat song and but I also wanted to keep the longing part that one feels when they hear the song. So doing that I kept it plain and simple by putting a mosh of clips together. Whitney's meaning behind her song was her picture someone that was single wishing that they could find that special person for themselves and I wanted to embody this also but from my perspective as from the beginning I have said I want incorporate my friends so I wanted to show them in this showing that I have not found the special person but I have found these soulmates that I would love to dance forever with. Its just a fun loving song about having feelings. So in the end if there is anything that I want you to take away from my video is it represents w...