Genre research: Comedy-drama

 Hello and welcome back to listen its Asiah, so listen its Asiah.  I watch A man called Otto an it is a comedy drama. The settings for this movie was very blunt and overall very plain until certain characters are introduced. The costume is generic clothing thing that you would see in day to day life. The angels for the camera shots went what as going on in the scenes a lot of reverse camera shots. There was the use of wide shots in places like the train station to allow the view to know were the actor was . This was also enhanced by sound. There was also a lot of panning of the camera with the camera moving  trying to motion what the character was going to do it also seemed as thought hey used the use of a establish shot mainly in the first scene or so but the characters stayed in the same area for most of the movie. For sound the movie didn't really need to a sound effect he and there. There was flash back music kind of but it was not needed. When they would do flash back you could tell because it would seem as if the whole movie mood changed. As for editing in the movie there was plenty but it was mostly background editing. There were the editing when they would do wider shot to extend the camera more. They say it was just little some details as to not distract the viewers and they want to keep things simple. It seem as the instead of going to a location it was easy and more affective to get their point across. There also seemed to be a dullness to the camera view. Personally I like a comedy-drama with it's blunt like when the jokes are plain and the characters face is unwavering if I were to do this one that is something I would apply. There is not much I would not apply as I a big fan of this genre. In the next one I will talk about my next genre study. So don't forget to Listen it's Asiah.


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