My Pitch

Hello and welcome back to listen it's Asiah, so listen its Asiah.

Pitch A: A man dealing with the anger of accidentally kill his wife.

Pitch A explanation- After a lovely dinner out with his wife. Him and his wife get into a the car to head home. Joking around with his wife he speeds a little as it is was late at night and the street were mostly empty. But he did not see a car coming and they were hit by the car and at the speed the were going at it sent the car tumbling.

Pitch B: A girl committed a murder and tries to get away with it, plot twist it was family member.

Pitch B explanation- The girl was home alone and heard someone enter the house. With that thought she thought it was a intruder so she grabbed knife and attempted to approach the individual to incapacitate them. Obviously forget that her family member had a key.

My final decision- I am going to go with pitch B as I would like a to implement myself in the film and that would be a simple way to do such. I Also like that story line an little more because I feel as though it is a very plausible story. With the catch of you already know the it was her that killed someone instead it's a murder mystery that but in the fact of try to get away with the murder at the time.


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