Title Research: Villains

 Hello and welcome back to Listen it's Asiah, so Listen it's Asiah.

What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?

The first titles that are show are the actors names and the then the casting director that casted them. Then it processed to go into who designed the animated opening sequence. The both who did the music and who supervised it. next the costume design and editor. The director of photography which a new one the a I had recently never heard about. The it goes in the co-producers and then main producers then executive ones. Lastly the writer and the director which in the case are the same person.

What images are prioritized in the opening scene?

I would not say that there is a specific image prioritized in this sequence and it was more so united within the chaos that was happing. But with I did notice was the  specific color scheme was used such as green, red, and purple which are very chaotic colors when all put together.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre? 

To be honest I don't really know because first there was not dialogue but I did hear the very intense music was played. I guess that could put a spin on what's going to happen in the but as I stated previously you only have a couple minutes to impress you audience to get them to watch the film but speak from my point of view I probably would not watch the rest of  the film.


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