Title Research: Why am I searching?

 Hello and welcome back to listen it's Asiah, so listen it's Asiah. Lately, I have been researching how to present my title. In doing such a certain way I think it should look to be able to draw an audience and what title did to draw the type of audience I am looking for. Through these websites I look at I will be able to determine which design I should roll out. And the one that will be more subject to my target audience with this being a Thriller-comedy. The reasoning behind researching how to do this is simple. Because you may be saying what's the big deal it just the title? But the truth is it can make or break a film in the fact that this will be the first this your audience will see you must grab their attention within these first couple of seconds. This will decide if they watch the rest of your film or not because if they are not engaged they can and will simply click out of your film. Personally, this is a very important factor for me when watching a film, I speak from experience I have clicked out of a film because I was not engaged within the first few minutes. Until next see you in my next blog as my research begins. Don't forget to listen it's Asiah.


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