Filming started!

 Hello and welcome back to listen its Asiah so listen its Asiah! Today with filming I was try to figure out how to set up the camera as it was one of my first times using a camera such as this. To my familiarty it is a canon camera. For reminder I was using a camera from my dad. I was deciding on where to put my it because I was feeling conflicted about the location of where to film. As I was deciding on if I wanted to change if but I think I just finally settled on my house. So, the plan was to start filming inside my room and get those scenes filmed as majority of the scenes are where everything is located. But after deciding that I realized I could not start filming as I did not know my lines.As the camera stood ready, I realized I couldn't start filming without knowing what to say. So, I hit pause and dived into a thorough review of the script. This, however, wasn't a straightforward task. I'm currently knee-deep in rehearsals for another production, adding a layer of complexity to my schedule.So the review of my lines started. There were so complications as I am rehearsing for another production so I did not want the two, to overlap.Juggling between filmmaking and stage rehearsals required planning. To ensure a seamless transition between the two creative endeavors.As I navigated through the challenges of preparing for both productions, the learning curve became evident. I was definitely challenged as everything started to come along.In the upcoming episodes of "Listen, it's Asiah!" I'll be sharing the behind-the-scenes drama, the highs, and lows of my filmmaking adventure.Through each one I will go over what it took to get through every scene. So will be harder than I other but I as an artist am ready for such a challenge. So the plan I to show you my process and to be as transparent as possible because I want to be able to go back a look at these myself. So follow me through the art of managing a double-duty life in the world of drama. So, stay tuned for the unfolding chapters of this cinematic journey! Also don't forget to listen its Asiah. I am excited to share this process of filming and hope you guys enjoy!


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